
佩罗尼氏 疾病


佩罗尼氏 disease is a disorder affecting about three percent of men middle-age and older. The condition is caused by the formation of dense, 纤维性瘢痕组织, 或斑块, 在阴茎的白膜, 包住勃起组织的鞘.

The cause of 佩罗尼氏 disease is not completely known. 然而, factors such as genetics and trauma to the penis, which can occur due to injury or invasive penile procedures, 会导致疾病吗.


UCSF is a national leader in treating urological disorders, 包括佩罗尼氏病, 男性性功能障碍, 尿失禁, 盆腔痛, 尿路结石病, 男性不育和前列腺疾病. 我们提供最新的治疗技术, and our team is committed to providing innovative, 高度熟练的关怀和同情心.

In a small percentage of cases, 佩罗尼氏 disease resolves on its own. When treatment is required, our goals are to relieve 症状 and preserve erectile function. We may use oral medications, injections or – in persistent cases – surgery.

奖 & 识别

迹象 & 症状

Due to the formation of scar tissue in the penis, patients with 佩罗尼氏 disease may experience pain and a curvature or distortion, such as a shortening or narrowing of the penis, 勃起时. 在严重的情况下,这些症状可能导致 勃起功能障碍.


A diagnosis of 佩罗尼氏 disease usually can be made by taking a detailed medical history and conducting a thorough physical examination. Your doctor will check for and discuss any 症状 that are related to the disease. 在某些情况下,一个 超声波 scan may be used to identify the hardened plaque in the penis.

We recommend that patients bring photographs from a digital or polaroid camera of the erect penis taken from above and both sides, 如果可能的话. These can be very helpful in making a diagnosis.

In rare cases where a diagnosis of 佩罗尼氏 disease cannot be made through physical examination, a 活组织检查 可能会被推荐. 在活检过程中, a small amount of plaque cells are removed from the penis and then examined under a microscope to help diagnose the condition and rule out other diseases, 比如癌症.


In about 15 percent of cases, 佩罗尼氏 disease spontaneously resolves itself without treatment. 然而, more than 40 percent of cases may worsen. If treatment is necessary, oral medications, injections and surgery may be used. Therapy for the condition aims to relieve 症状 and preserve erectile function.


  • 口服药物. Taking a drug known as para-aminobenzoate or vitamin E tablets 可能会被推荐 for several months. Unfortunately, in most cases, these medications have limited success. 在UCSF医疗中心, 我们的专家开创了新的治疗方法, 比如秋水仙碱和己酮茶碱, 更容易成功.
  • 注射. The injection of verapamil into the plaque in the penis 可能会被推荐. This treatment typically requires about six to 12 injections over six months duration.
  • 电离子透入疗法. This is a technique in which a painless current of electricity is used to deliver verapamil or some other agent under the skin into the plaque.


手术 has been shown to be the most effective treatment for 佩罗尼氏 disease to correct the curvature of the penis. 然而, it is usually only recommended in severe cases for patients who fail to respond to non-surgical therapy and have curvature for longer than 12 months.

The two most common surgical methods are the cutting of the plaque followed by placement of a patch of vein or artificial material, or stitching of tissue from the side of the penis opposite the plaque, 哪一种能矫正阴茎弯曲.

有些人选择接受植入装置, 或者阴茎假体, 这增加了阴茎的硬度. In some cases, a penile implant alone will adequately straighten the penis.

For more detailed information on the three surgical procedures offered at UCSF Medical Center, 请参阅 佩罗尼氏病的外科治疗.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.



Although you probably find the idea of injecting something into your penis unappealing, many men are highly satisfied with this therapy. 点击这里了解原因.


手术 has been shown to be the most effective treatment for 佩罗尼氏 disease in correcting the curvature of the penis. 点击这里了解更多.

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